Photographer: Krista Lejara Photography - KLP Studios
Model: Ashley Welch (who´s wearing our Black War Bonnet - 130cm)
"Every seed is awakened and so is all animal life." Sitting Bull Hunkpapa Teton Sioux.
Various legends exist that tell us about the environmental wisdom and the spiritual connection that Native Americans have with the earth. Animals were especially seen to have the same rights as humans and were respected on the same level. Even though animals were hunted for the purpose of food, this never happened before asking permission from the animal´s spirit.
The indigenous Indians also believed that the land belonged to everyone and they had no concept of private property. Above that, all Native Americans believed in the so-called ´Great Spirit´ that was the creator of everything. They also saw the Earth as a mother (Mother Earth), as she was a life-giving force. Therefore Native Indians enjoyed sitting on the ground and allowing their skin to touch the earth, as they felt it would bring them closer to the mothering power.
Most natives also believed in a kinship between all creatures of the land, water and sky. The understanding of the connection between all living creatures and nature is impressive and makes us understand how advanced the Native Americans were when it came to environmental ethics.
In order to celebrate the beauty of nature, the talented Krista took her photoshoot outdoors where she took stunning pictures of our Indian headdresses. Please see credentials below.